Alien races book debunked videos

Project blue book file film of alien interviewed in 1964. The blue skin pleiadian people are exceptionally spiritual, living in peace and. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, bald, with black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a. An alien race reported that the council of 5 last met on earth in 1944. Just like us, aliens would be subject to this rule of physics. This ufo documentary exposes everything you need to know. If you ever hear of an alien invasion, its a hoax to generate fear, aliens are super cool, really. These short and sexless beings are almost always naked with big heads and large black eyes. Hell, i think the op book is not very valid, but 1 thats just how i feel about it after having looked through it a touch a while back, and 2 im not going to go so out of my way toward committing to thinking that theres nooo way that any part of this book can possibly be real or valid. This book has been taken down from the internet, the best way to view this book it to download the alien race book as a pdf file. Documents leaked by nsa whistleblower edward snowden conclusively prove that the united states has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens. I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers.

Clifford stone reports that the united states government has documented over 50 alien species that have come to our earth, i believe i have. With our current technology it would take us over 150,000 years to get there. As the universe is incredibly large, however from the evidence here on earth we can identify some of the alien races. The alien race book is conceived from the mind off a man that clearly has read a lot into these topics, and is a wannabe writer himselfa deliberate hoax based on his fragments of imagination onlytrust me brother this is a desperate man searching for fame and glory. According to the book of enoch, the watchers came down from heaven to impart knowledge on mankind, and ancient astronaut theorists. Ufos, are, of course, unidentified flying objects, and unidentified. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ancient aliens. The alien race book fascinating reading educating humanity. Three of the most influential alien species on earth. Is the russian book about aliens that was given to top smersh. Seeing a ufo as a kid the first time i saw a ufo was when i was 9 years old. A former army sergeant, clifford stone, has said the us government had tried to suppress what he actually seen one strange day in pennsylvania, back in 1969.

Psychological torture and collective persecution of assange must end now. Conspiracy theory a hypothesis that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. The story is known to us via the book stranger in the pentagon by frank stranger. Et origins secrets of the star people the movie tribal elders. Ancient aliens debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the history channel series ancient aliens. Here is a brief description about the top 10 different types of. Jan 24, 2020 smersh counterintelligence service was officially founded by josef stalin in 1943. From what i have seen many millions are going to fall for it when it happens. This list of fictional extraterrestrial species is subsidiary to the lists of fictional species and is a collection of various notable extraterrestrial species that appear in.

We are going to look at the alien agenda, which varies amongst different species and the alien. Mar 17, 2016 alien races over 82 species on earth and in contact with earth right now before its news this highly fascinating compilation features photos of alleged alien species. Originally posted by hellobruce originally posted by skyblueworld firstly lets start with the youtube user azazel8867 a. This video shows some alien races leaked from and old russian secret book that dante azazel8867 had uploaded for us in the past, but his account has been deleted from youtube with all his videos, and his life was running danger in the last weeks, receiving attempts against his life. Rated 3 points posted 10 years ago by artofwar11 in category other. It is a twopart reason for sharing the secret book of alien races 1 because of the numerous contacts i have had in my life so far with my offworld mentor being are also contained in the book, 2 many experiencers often confuse races of beings with other races and hoped this would add some clarity. I have seen a alien spaceship and i do believe we are not alone in this vast universe. I will continue keeping my notes and i do recommend you do the same. Sightings of strange objects in the sky became the raw materials for. Sighting of aliens have been reported by hundreds of people over the last one hundred years from different parts of the world. Alien races, grey aliens, and other alien races and species. Most serious ufo researchers consider this story to be a complete hoax. It was the first widely publicized report of an alien abduction in the united states the incident came to be called the hill abduction and the zeta reticuli incident because the couple stated they had been. Return to the nsa the super secret national security agency.

The weight of this firsthand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena. Conspiracy a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Alien interview video officially debunked alien ufo. The alien race book fascinating reading this back story to this book makes for fascinating reading. Whether valiant thor is from the same race of aliens as the nordics who allegedly first met eisenhower three years earlier is open to debate. However ancient aliens speaks of a whole different type, powered by jets, flying violently, and described in great mechanical detail that exceeds what the ancients would have had the knowledge to say. For an alien race traveling near the speed of light, it would take over four years. The book of alien races kindle edition by petro, dante and, races, alien, aliens, ancient, files, ufo, books, ufo, species, anunnaki, extraterrestrials. Many people have had prophetic warnings about the coming false rapture alien invasion, i have had several myself. Aug 25, 2016 it may be understood by watching the videos entirety, below. Top 10 different types of alien species on earth proof of. To be more precise, there were eight different classes or races, with drawings and additional information about them. The subject disappeared from government records on date of this event. This book outlines key information on 58 alien species, along with case summaries, rumors, quotes, and intel from alien contacts, a message to humanity from the races ramay and jefok pages 170181 about the creative force of the universe consistently referred to as she by all alien races unanimously, despite their other differences.

Secret alien races book translated into english the book is believed to have been written around 194647, with constant additions and revisions over the years. The closest solar system to our own is alpha centauri. Alien races and descriptions, alien races, varginha ebes. Other say aliens from another planet come on earth and helped mankind to be born. The 10 most unbelievable alien races in science fiction. The book of alien races i thought that your book was very interesting. Theory a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something. Alien lesbian 71,583 results lesbian mom seduces two horny teens. They range from midgets to giants, godlike humans to bizarre monsters. You should really try to negate this if you want to pretend that you have completely destroyed the ancient alien theory. I would take this book or any et related book for that matter more seriously if the author sprang for a decent artist to draw the aliens as artist renditions i mean a real artist too, not just someones random colored pencil drawings, not just take pictures stolen from the internet, tv shows, and video games. Alien interview video officially debunked alien ufo sightings. Possibly one of the most revealing and controversial documents originating from. Project blue book subject was named ebe3 and was held captive for 5 days.

We are going to give you some basic information about the various subgroups that have existed within their races and allow you a more expanded point of view, perhaps, on the diversity of your forefathers which, of course, is reflected in the diversity you have upon your world. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Secret russian book of alien races and councils pdf reddit. Dec 17, 2019 this pin was discovered by leila hassim. In 2004, i became friends with an ukrainian guy called petro that i met completely randomly at a bar by the beachi was on holidays and he was there with some friends having some drinks. What archaeologists really think about ancient aliens, lost. We are going to start with the group called the lyrans. As 12 million americans know, the united states government is run by lizard people or, to be scientifically accurate, reptilians. A recent book argues that reports of aliens here on earth may be describing our distant human. Yet many races, before they even attain this freedom, fall under the. Smersh counterintelligence service was officially founded by josef stalin in 1943.

As a longtime investigator of unusual phenomena, i have no doubt that ufos exist. Who is who in the greatest game of history 9781412063609. The secret book of alien races translated from russian. Because ancient aliens used as its source only a single book, the vaimanika shastra.

Complete kgb agent record of alien races leaked youtube. As per collective studies of all these reports, it is being calculated that there are as many as 82 different types of aliens that are being seen on earth. The extraterrestrial presence in the world today alien. Very little is known about the five alien races that are part of the council of 5. The eisenhower alien meetings are just the tip of the. List of alien races in dc comics is a list of fictional extraterrestrial races that have appeared in comic book titles published by dc comics, as well as properties from other media that are listed below, with appropriately brief descriptions and accompanying citations.

And this is mordin solus a character from mass effect video game series who the picture reminded me of. According to whistleblower and former canadian defense minister paul hellyer, there are alien races on earth. A brief introduction to alien races aquarius academy. Top 10 evidences proof of aliens living among us 04272016 09052019 kim jones the never ending debate on whether aliens exist or not is still on, but what many people do not realize is that the aliens are not only there but they are very much living amongst us, as one of us. The book is titled, introduction to the alien races book. Oct 18, 2016 the meeting was said to have taken place at edwards air force base, in an empty hangar. Alien races over 82 species on earth and in contact with. Pictures have emerged of the alleged thor noone has come forward to debunk or discredit them.

In the story of the abduction and encounters with alien beings or humanoids in the history of ufology, there are, as reported by the various reports of the various police and military who are interested in the subject, lists of different types of beings who should represent various civilizations do not belong to the human, who were either vengoino still in touch with. Ufos and aliens among us life on other worlds articles and. There is no evidence in public about all those races but. Former canadian minister paul hellyer claims aliens. They believe those aliens come to earth from time to time, keeping a track on how humans are progressing, looming over us like gods. Apr 26, 2016 the most famous of our alien visitors, the greys, make up 43% of all reported alien interactions. These races have been protecting earth and humans for as long as there are alien records of it. Although the exact details of the talks are not fully known, it appears that the nordics were offering help with technology, medical procedures and advancements, and a break away from fossil fuels for clean energy. Some emerging races are able to establish their own awareness, ability and cooperation to the extent that they can offset outside influences such as these and establish a presence and a position in the greater community. The eisenhower alien meetings are just the tip of the iceberg. The ancient sumerian texts depicted a large planet nibiru, today we call it planet x the getodacian iron cart, discovered on the construction site of the sibiu ora. The video above, uploaded to youtube in july 2009 by youtube user new world horizon, purports to show a former u.

Koi managed to trace the movie back into its original uploader, and that is when it became evident that there was more than a pet project of a digital artist. On january, 1947, the smersh included a book containing descriptions of top smersh agents who were extraterrestrials. The 20 best alien races greatest of everything ranked user. Dante did all of the translations with his friend petro, who later sadly lost his life in a car crash. A brief incursion into any one of timothy goods excellent books will soon lead one to an unmistakable conclusion. Sep 03, 2015 the author of the ancient alien question, philip coppens, was a regular on the ancient aliens tv series and presents academic research as if science itself is mysterious. You can try to attack the ancient aliens series, but as long as you dont go for the best evidence, like the oannes story, and you do it on a scientific level, you kind of like, you argue why carl sagan thought this was interesting, why other scientists thought this was. In the 1940s and 50s reports of flying saucers became an american cultural phenomena. The secrets of the russians contact with aliens that was guarded by the kgb. The most interesting, awesome, and in some cases, funny alien races ever invented. This page is collection of information about the numerous alien races. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, bald, with black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb.

After seeing a ufo once, i believe that other beings exist besides us. What archaeologists really think about ancient aliens. Alien races over 82 species on earth and in contact with earth right now before its news this highly fascinating compilation features photos of alleged alien species. Aug 06, 2017 some of the extraordinary alien races in this documentary have rarely, if ever, been heard of before. Sometimes, though, we meet an alien race that could never have evolved, no matter what.

The earth is being visited by a wide variety of different extra terrestrials. Inculcation devices and the practice of manipulation of the mind code. Alien races and their descriptions, inner earth, multidimensional and off world aliens described by mary sutherland although sgt. This is a list of alleged extraterrestrial beings that have been reported in close encounters, claimed or speculated to be associated with unidentified flying objects. Its a wellknown hoax text probably written in 1952. Hynek is trying to uncover the truth about the strange activity he has seen with his own eyes, while the authorities are maintaining that its all. Secret russian kgb book of alien species blue planet project 19 ebook. I took a look at the alien types in that book and one of them looked familiar.

Top 10 evidences proof of aliens living among us proof of. I think your attitude is what shouldnt belong in rconspiracy. How betty and barney hills alien abduction story defined. Whether or not the autopsy is real, the following video is quite graphic. The anunnaki are perhaps one of the bestknown alien species together with the greys. Some say an alien civilization existed before mankind was born on planet earth. But they never said which members of the government are the. Former canadian defense minister paul hellyer, 90, declared on russian tv on saturday that there are 80 different species of aliens and that most are benevolent toward humanity. Includes comic books, television and movies, and books. Is the russian book about aliens that was given to top.

Ufo researcher, isaac koi, was fast to examine the movie and determine it was certainly a hoax. Originally posted by skyblueworld firstly lets start with the youtube user azazel8867 a. The ancient sumerian texts depicted a large planet nibiru, today we call it planet x the getodacian iron cart, discovered on the construction site of. Donna hare, a former nasa employee, saying before the national press club that they saw nasa photographs showing huge alien structures on the dark side of the moon and ufos flying around or parked on the lunar surface. Oct 21, 2014 the book is titled, introduction to the alien races book.

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